1. определите время. напишите его

what time do you usually wake up?

why are they looking at us?

i can’t talk to you now. i am working.

does your brother shave every morning?

we don't want to move at all.

sam is a good football player, but he doesn't play very often.

is the sun shining? no, it is not.

2. выберите правильный вариант сказуемого

it sometimes (snows/is snowing) here in april.

it (snows/is snowing) now.

every morning mother (cooks/is cooking) breakfast for us.

it is 8 o’clock now. mother (cooks/ is cooking) breakfast.

every day father (leaves/is leaving) the house at half past eight.

now it is half past eight. father (leaves/is leaving) the house.

we often (watch/are watching) tv.

3. заполните пропуски, используя don’t, doesn’t, isn’t, aren’t или am not.

we … watching a television programme now.

we … watch television every day.

it… raining very hard at the moment.

i … hear you well.

it… rain very much in summer.

4. начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am.

… you learn new words in each lesson?

… you learning the new words right now?

… she usually sit at the third desk?

5. найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

we not going to school today.

what you doing after school?

at the moment peter is work in russia.

does he gеtting a new car?

he never wear a hat.

6. поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени.

my brother (talk) to tom now.

не (work) hard every day.

that girl (speak) english very well.

my friend (enjoy) hamburgers very much.

john and frank (write) letters at this moment.

125DVV 125DVV    2   01.12.2019 22:45    45

lerosabi lerosabi  17.08.2020 14:14


What time do you usually wake up? Pr. S

Why are they looking at us? Pr. C

I can’t talk to you now. I am working. Pr. C

Does your brother shave every morning? Pr. S

We don't want to move at all. Pr. S

Sam is a good football player, but he doesn't play very often. Pr. S

Is the sun shining? No, it is not. Pr. C


It sometimes snows here in April.

It is snowing now.

Every morning mother cooks breakfast for us.

It is 8 o’clock now. Mother is cooking breakfast.

Every day father leaves the house at half past eight.

Now it is half past eight. Father is leaving the house.

We often watch TV.


We aren't watching a television programme now.

We don't watch television every day.

It isn't raining very hard at the moment.

I don't hear you well.

It doesn't rain very much in summer.


Do you learn new words in each lesson?

Are you learning the new words right now?

Does she usually sit at the third desk?


We aren't going to school today.

What do you doing after school?

At the moment Peter is working in Russia.

Is he gеtting a new car?

He never wears a hat.


My brother is talking to Tom now.

Не works hard every day.

That girl speaks English very well.

My friend enjoys hamburgers very much.

John and Frank are writing letters at this moment.

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