1.Определите временную форму глагола. 1. We did these exercises last lesson.
2. What music does he usually listen to?
3. We will buy you a car soon.
4. My mother went to the country yesterday.
5. At last she closed the door.
6. Do you often travel with your parents?
2. Поставьте предложения в во форму.
1. They came from China.
2. She will do this someday.
3. We write sentences in English.
4. I didn't finish my work.
5. He often comes to see them.
3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужное время.
1. I (visit) her tomorrow.
2. We never (come) there.
3. They (not learn) the poem yesterday.
4. He (go) to the sea next year.
5. They never (ask) questions.
6. Who (leave) this umbrella two days ago?
4. Вставьте нужную форму глагола -to be-.
1. My parents ... not at the school meeting yesterday.
2.She ... in Russia last year.
3. Where ... your glasses?
4. It ... ... rainy tomorrow.
5. Why ... he angry with me?
6. There ... little coffee in the cup.

dary090 dary090    1   05.06.2020 15:26    4

Elizkap01 Elizkap01  15.10.2020 13:11

Task 1.

1. We did these exercises last lesson.  (Past Simple)

2. What music does he usually listen to?  (Present Simple)

3. We will buy you a car soon.  (Future Simple)

4. My mother went to the country yesterday.  (Past Simple)

5. At last she closed the door.  (Past Simple)

6. Do you often travel with your parents? (Present Simple)

Task 2.

1. Did they come from China?

2. Will she do this someday?

3. Do we write sentences in English?

4. Did I finish my work?

5. Does he often come to see them?

Task 3.

1. I will visit her tomorrow.

2. We never come there.

3. They didn't learn the poem yesterday.

4. He will go to the sea next year.

5. They never ask questions.

6. Who did leave this umbrella two days ago?

Task 4.

1. My parents were not at the school meeting yesterday.

2. She was in Russia last year.

3. Where are your glasses?

4. It will be rainy tomorrow.

5. Why is he angry with me?

6. There is little coffee in the cup.

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