1. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Indefinite. 1. Jill ... (buy) a new car two weeks ago.
2. Yesterday I ... (come) home at half past 5.
3. You ever ... (visit) this museum?
4. My mother ... (not come) home yet.
5. Jim ... (play) tennis lat Friday?
6. My brother ... (not like) to read books when he was a child.​

Ilyauhdhbtx Ilyauhdhbtx    2   08.03.2021 16:09    7

QureAdmiral QureAdmiral  08.03.2021 16:10

1. bought

2. came

3. Have you ever visited this museum?

4. has not come

5. Did Jim play tennis last Friday?

6. did not like


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