1. * Open the brackets and choose the correct form of the verb (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple)

1. At the moment she (work) in the garden.
2. Last Christmas they (buy) a tasty cake.
3. She (work) in the garden every spring.
4. We (study) at school.
5. Parents (love) their children.
6. My granny (make) a surprise for my last birthday.
7. My granny (make) a surprise for my birthday every year.
8. Right now they (eat) soup.
9. Every day Mary (clean) her room.
10. At the moment Mary (sweep) the floor (подметать пол).

lllgglll lllgglll    2   29.04.2020 14:46    18

Зууууум Зууууум  14.10.2020 02:51

1) is working

2) bought

3) works

4) study

5) love

6) made

7) makes

8) are eating

9) cleans

10) is sweeping

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