1)он не джон 2)он марк из сша 3)сколько у тебя ручек? у меня 3 ручки 4)у моего дяди нет черной машины 5)у моей мамы не седые волосы 6)у твоих друзей есть компьютеры перевести на

gabduhakovaari gabduhakovaari    3   08.03.2019 06:10    2

valia622 valia622  24.05.2020 05:10

1. He is not John 

2. He is Mark from the USA.
3. How many pens have you got? I have got four pens.
4. My uncle hasn't got a black car.
5. My mother hasn't got grey hair.

6. Do your friends have computers?

Оалдв Оалдв  24.05.2020 05:10

1. He is not John.

2. He is Mark from the USA.

3. How many pens have you got? I have got four pens.

4. My uncle hasn't got a black car.

5. My mother hasn't got grey hair.

6. Have your friends got computers?