1. of the american soldiers involved in military action. а) a third … was б) a third … were в) the third … was г) the third … were 2. this car is our . а) editor-in-chief б) editor`s-in-chief в) editor`s-in-chief`s г) editor-in-chief`s 3. i am in great need money. а) to б) with в) of г) for 4. the reason my dislike of the film is that i don`t see any connection the book and the film at all. а) for, between б) of, to в) on, in г) to, with 5. “i`ll pay you that! ” – shouted johnny to a friend who had played a trick him. а) away, at б) off, with в) back, on г) on, for 6. if you the plants regularly, they now. а) would have watered, will bloom б) had watered, would be blooming в) water, bloom г) watered, would have been blooming

teeqo777 teeqo777    3   14.08.2019 02:30    1

Бигль02 Бигль02  04.10.2020 17:42
1. В
2. Б
3. Г
5. В
6. В
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