1) образуйте форму множественного числа от существительных, данных в скобках: пример: i like to read english (book). - i like to read english books. 1) i put the (knife) there and your (child) cannot take them. 2) my friend always tells me funny (joke) and (story). 3) i like to cook new (dish). 4) i have got (goldfish) at home. 2) измените предложения, употребив во множественном числе соответственно все существительные, местоимения и глаголы: примечание: неопределенный артикль “a” не употребляется с существительными во множественном числе. пример: the girl is very beautiful. – the girls are very beautiful. 5) is it a mouse? 6) she is a real lady. 7) where is a glass? 3)замените выделенные местоимения данными в скобках существительными в притяжательном падеже: 8) her father is an accountant (my cousin). 9) their house is comfortable (my grandparents). 10) i think her boyfriend is very nice (mary). 11) his family is big (tom). 12) i often reread their letters (my friends). 4) заполните пропуски cooтветствующими местоимениями из списка: i me mine you him her us them it myself yourself our your yours hers ours their theirs themselves herself 13) i always design dresses …. 14) they are liz and max. and the little girl is … sister. 15) … can see yourself in the mirror. 16) is it your key? – yes, it’s …. 17) i can’t find my books. i don’t remember where i put …. 5) переведите на язык: 18) много работы, 19) немного масла, 20) немного книг, 21) мало информации, 22) много мышей, 23) много сахара, 24) несколько бизнесменов, 25) мало студентов, 26) мало денег, 27) много раз. 6) выберите нужное слово (some/somebody/something, any/anybody/anything, no/nobody/nothing) he is busy. he has (31) time to go to the cinema with us. ) liked that play: it was very dull have you (33) questions? ask me (34) you like, i shall try to answer ) question. 7) поставьте глагол в нужную форму (действительный залог) 1) they are busy now, they (to discuss) an important problem. 2) they (to discuss) it since two o’clock. 3) both grown-ups and children (to be) fond of playing computer games. 4) my friend (to have) a good ear for music. 5) he (to play) the piano since five years old. 6) look! the boys (to break) the window and now they are running away. 7) let’s go, the train already (to arrive). 8) when you (to visit) our city for the first time? 9) he (to collect) thousands of stamps with pictures of famous people before he gave up philately. 10) you shouldn’t speak loudly when you (to fish). 8) напишите небольшой рассказ о себе, своей семье, учебе, увлечениях (10-15 предложений).

panerik6 panerik6    3   20.06.2019 17:10    11

makskolisnik9ouay08 makskolisnik9ouay08  16.07.2020 15:18
I put knifes there and you childs cannot take them.
My friend always tells me funne jokes and stories.
I like to cook new dishes.
I have got goldfishes at home.

 Are they mouses?
There are realy ladies
Where are the glasses
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