1)обращая внимание на правильную форму инфинитива, измените следующие конструктивные выражения в вопроситльные и отрицательные 1. she hurried to school 2. they carried the parcels 3. you closed the door 4. i plugged in the lamp 5. they planned the party 6. we taught the class 7. she told a story 8. they struck a bargain 9. he met his friends 10. i shook hands 2) для кождого предложения изменить глагол во множественное число. например, the room is large-the rooms are large. 1. the book was heavy 2. the train has left 3. the bird was singing 4. the door was closed by the superintendent 5. the shoe fits well 6. the parcel is being opened 7. the newspaper is read by many people 8. the flame isd flickering 9. the ship has been sighted 10. the street was being cleaned

54женек4 54женек4    1   11.06.2019 15:50    1

kirstav64 kirstav64  09.07.2020 14:44
1. Did she hurry to school? She didn't hurry to school.
2. Did they carry the parcels? They didn't carry the parcels.
3. Did you close the door? You didn't close the door.
4. Did I plug in the lamp? I didn't plug in the lamp.
5. Did they plan the party? They didn't plan the party.
6. Did we teach the class? We didn't teach the class.
7. Did she tell a story? She didn't tell a story.
8. Did they strike a bargain? They didn't strike a bargain.
9. Did he meet his friends? He didn't meet his friends.
10. Did I shake hands? I didn't shake hands.

1. The books were heavy.
2. The trains have left.
3. The birds were singing.
4. The doors were closed by the superintendent
5. The shoes fit well
6. The parcels were being opened
7. The newspapers are read by many people
8. The flames are flickering
9. The ships have been sighted
10. The streets were being cleaned
Fallens0n Fallens0n  09.07.2020 14:44
1. Did she hurry to school? She didn't hurry to school.
2. Did they carry the parcels? They didn't carry the parcels.
3. Did you close the door? You didn't close the door.
4. Did I plug in the lamp? I didn't plug in the lamp.
5. Did they plan the party? They didn't plan the party.
6. Did we teach the class? We didn't teach the class.
7. Did she tell a story? She didn't tell a story.
8. Did they strike a bargain? They didn't strike a bargain.
9. Did he meet his friends? He didn't meet his friends.
10. Did I shake hands? I didn't shake hands.

1. The books were heavy.
2. The trains have left.
3. The birds were singing.
4. The doors were closed by the superintendent.
5. The shoes fit well.
6. The parcels were being opened.
7. The newspapers are read by many people.
8. The flames are flickering.
9. The ships have been sighted.
10. The streets were being cleaned.
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