1 New Zealand is: a) an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth;
b) federal state and a member of the Commonwealth;
c) a self-governing federal state and a member of the Commonwealth.
2 The country consists of three large islands, called:
a) North Island, South Island and Tasmania;
b) North Island, South Island and West Island;
c) North Island, South Island and Stewart Island.
3 New Zealand is :
a) a country of plains;
b) a mountainous country;
c) a country of lakes.
4 There are many lakes lie in the:
a) central part of North Island;
b) central part of South Island;
c) western part of North Island.
5 New Zealand is rich:
a) timber, coal, natural gas, metal ores;
b) timber, coal, natural gas, iron ores;
c) coal, natural gas, iron ores, oil.
6 New Zealand has a very few native animals and birds. For example:
a) an ostrich; b) a kiwi; c) an emu.
7 The capital of New Zealand is:
a) Auckland; b) Wellington; c) Dunedin.
8 New Zealand is famous for its:
a) a sugar and cotton; b) a dairy products; c) fruits, vegetables and flowers.
9 The population of New Zealand is over:
a) five million people; b) three million people; c) four million people.
10 The parliament consists of :
a) House of Representatives; b) House of Commons; c) House of Representatives and Senate.
11.The national emblem of New Zealand
a) kiwi b) tui c)possum
12 The most popular sport game in New Zealand
a) football b) soccer c) rugby
13.The first European to see New Zealand was from
a) England b) Portugal c) Holland
14 In New Zealand there are official languages a) 3 b) 4 c) 2
15.Are there any volcanoes in New Zealand? a) yes b) yes, but only one c) no
16 Of how many large island does New Zealand consist? a) 4 b) 2 c) 1
17 The head of State of New Zealand is
a) the British Monarch b) Governor-General c) Prime Minister
18 The New Zealand Parliament is elected
a) every 5 years b) every 3 years c) every 4 years
19 The currency of New Zealand is
a) New Zealand dollar b) New Zealand pound c)New Zealand krona
20 New Zealand is
a)a small country b) the largest country in the world c) the sixth largest country in the world
21 The Maori make up
a) 5% of the total population b)8% of the total population c) 30% of the total population
22 New Zealand is
a) a colony of Great Britain b) an independent c) a dominion of Great Britain
23 The parliament consists of : a) two Houses b) one Houses c) four Houses
24 The Constitutional Act of New Zealand was adopted in a) 1986 b) 1826 c) 1990
25 Which bird symbolizes New Zealand? a) kakapo b) tui c) kiwi
26 Which is considered to be a national sport in New Zealand?
a) fishing b) rugby football c) tennis
27 Name the chief rivers in the country?
a) Missouri and the Mississippi b) The Darling and the Murray c) The Waikato and the Wairu
28 Who discovered New Zealand?
a) Christopher Columbus b) James Cook c) Marco Polo
29 When do children begin to go to school in New Zealand? a) 6 b) 7 c)5
30 What was the first capital of New Zealand?
a) Auckland b)Christchurch c)Wellington

helpmepleace2 helpmepleace2    2   03.11.2020 08:23    7

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