1. Найдите предложение с фразовым глаголом a) the sun shines in the sky
b) he was born in october
c) there were many people in the street
d) they go to school in the morning
e) come in, please
2. Дополните предложение
Not to catch the train means to ... it
a) have
b) like
c) buy
d) sell
e) miss
3. К теме "Travelling" относится слово
a) snow
b) excursion
c) study
d) pupil
e) tree
4. Выберите слово с суффиксом обозначающим состояние или качество
a) freshless
b) freshly
c) freshable
d) freshy
e) freshness

valerysidochenozpzmu valerysidochenozpzmu    1   10.06.2020 21:34    29

mihailgrand mihailgrand  24.08.2020 23:18

1. e come in

2. emiss

3. b excursion

4. efreshness

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