1. напишите основные формы следующих глаголов:
(to) drive, (to)get, (to) awake, (to) fly, (to) know, (to) shake, (to) leave, (to) become
2. определите форму глагола, напишите ее исходную форму, переведите ее.
drunk, helping, kept, gone, saw
3. , подчеркните сказуемое.
1. one of the most dramatic structures that local service providers are contemplating is the division of the company into two organizations.

2. low- and medium-earth orbit satellite system or network will reach every corner of the globe-even places where no phone has gone before; they will act as providers, who can offer their customers worldwide service.

3. many people have developed a positive dislike to the telephone because they cannot see the person to whom they are talking.

4. by 2021 he will have been working at the university for 10 years.

5. the impact of the internet traffic has already been observed in many regional bell operating companies (rbocs) in the united states.

6. popov took great interest in electricity and began to work at it.

4. определите функции глаголов to have, to be и to do.
1. in spite of all difficulties popov did not stop his experiments.

2. fiber is the third transmission medium, and it is unquestionably the transmission medium of choice.

3. we have to start reducing carbon dioxide emissions immediately and prepare for an orderly phase out of fossil fuels.

4. he was working on a scheme that utilized the varying resistance of wire.

5. the need for coordinated real-time actions has led to the use of a real time operating system (rtos) which facilitates the control of the time used and allocated to each task, and their priority levels.

5. преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.
1. he explained us: “one of the methods for achieving all-optical switching is by means of liquid-crystal (lc) technology, which can be used to control the polarization of the light beam”.

2. their engineer asks: “when do you plan to finish the training programme? ”

3. he answered: “the maintenance trainer will arrive at the weekend”.

4. they told: “the files are being transmitted but they are not arriving in the same form. the data are being corrupted”.

6. переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и глаголов to have и to be в модальном значении.
1. a digital signal can be transmitted over packet-switched network as easily as a circuit-switched network.

2. governments should be leading the way to a fundamentally new energy direction based on clean renewable energy, like wind or solar power.

3. the elimination of the voice-frequency has to result in great savings both in primary cost and in maintenance.

4. diskettes may be considered the most common form of storage.

5. a copy of any data must be kept on separate disk.

3nashka 3nashka    2   22.12.2019 17:25    0

Kats203 Kats203  10.10.2020 22:28


drive drove driven

get got gotten

awake awoke awoken

fly flew flown

know knew known

shake shook shaken

leave left left

become became become


drink пить

keep сохранить

go идти

see видеть, смотреть


1. is

2. will reach, will act

3. have developed/ cannot see

4. will have been working

5. has been observed

6. took/ began


1. вс глагол

2. глагол связка в именном сказуемом

3. модальный глагол

4. вс глагол

5. вс глагол


1. He explained us that one of the methods for achieving all-optical switching was by means of liquid-crystal (LC) technology, which could be used to control the polarization of the light beam.

2. Their engineer asks when I plan to finish the training programme.

3. He answered that the maintenance trainer would arrive at the weekend.

4. They told that the files were being transmitted but they were not arriving in the same form. The data was being corrupted.


1. Цифровой сигнал может передаваться по сети с коммутацией пакетов так же легко, как сеть с коммутацией каналов.

2. Правительства должны проложить путь к принципиально новому направлению энергии, основанному на чистой возобновляемой энергии, такой как энергия ветра или солнца.

3. Исключение тональной частоты должно привести к значительной экономии как в основных затратах, так и в обслуживании.

4. Дискеты можно считать наиболее распространенной формой хранения.

5. Копия любых данных должна храниться на отдельном диске.

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