1.My parents and I live in England. cottage is not big but it is very cosy. roof is brown. 2.My room is nice and comfortable. sofa is in front of the door.
3.My parents’ bedroom is upstairs. bed is by the window.
4.My dad is in the garage now. He is washing car.

radkov02p08713 radkov02p08713    3   22.12.2020 23:09    9

ekaterina1996petrova ekaterina1996petrova  21.01.2021 23:21
1. My parents and I live in England. Our cottage is not big but it is very cosy. The roof is brown. - я и мои родители живем в Англии. наш коттедж не большой, но очень уютный. крыша коричневая.

2. My room is nice and comfortable. My sofa is in front of the door. - моя комната классная и комфортная. моя кровать напротив двери.

3. My parents' bedroom is upstairs. Their bed is by the window. - спальня моих родителей на следующем этаже. их кровать у окна.

4. My dad is in the garage now. He is washing his car. - мой папа сейчас в гараже. он моет свою машину.

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