1. My friends and I (play) Clash of the Clans on Saturday. 2. I think we (build) a new community then. 3. Balloon (see) the hairdresser this afternoon at 4- crazy, huh!? 4. This time next week the Wizard (cast) a spell on his enemies. 5. Look at the way Hog Rider is sitting on the hog! He (fall) off for sure. Be careful! 6. Every clan (train) troops for future battles. 7. I bet you (earn) a lot of gold if you are successful. 8. In the Clash of Clans world in 2050 there (exist) many new communities and there (be) many new fighting clans. 9. This time next year the giants (store) their elixir in a secret vault. 10. My friend believes that his clan (create) the strongest defense. 11. you (choose) PEKKA as one of your defenders? 12. Many of the clan members (carry out) research in the future on what would be the best defense. 13. Do you think that in 2115 people (play) Clash of the Clans? 14. Balloon (not/fly) tomorrow because bad weather is expected. 15. Look at that! The Archer (shoot) at arrow at her enemy! 16. you (fight) against your enemy class next week? Yes, I plan on doing so. They are dangerous! 17. I doubt that the XYZ Clan (upgrade) their defenses- they don’t have enough gold or elixir. 18. The Dragon (target) whatever is nearest him- so be prepared. 19. Look over there! The dragons (suck) up fire and then (breathe) it out and destroy everything in its path. 20. PEKKA’s armor (absorb) hard blows but it (not/absorb) electricity. 21. Tomorrow at this time the goblins (attack) the resource building and then (run) away from your clan faster than anybody. 22. The Wizard (shoot) fireballs over the walls in

Angelka04 Angelka04    3   01.10.2021 13:30    123

Arisha12205 Arisha12205  20.12.2023 20:29
1. My friends and I play Clash of the Clans on Saturday.
Answer: In this sentence, the verb "play" is in the present simple tense to convey a regular action or habit. It means that every Saturday, the speaker and their friends engage in playing Clash of the Clans.

2. I think we will build a new community then.
Answer: Here, the verb "build" is in the future simple tense, indicating an action that will happen in the future. The speaker expresses their belief that they will create a new community in the game at that time.

3. Balloon will see the hairdresser this afternoon at 4 - crazy, huh!?
Answer: The verb "see" is in the future simple tense. It suggests that the balloon character will have an appointment with the hairdresser later, expressing surprise and excitement about this event.

4. This time next week, the Wizard will cast a spell on his enemies.
Answer: The verb "cast" is in the future simple tense. It states that by this time next week, the Wizard character will perform the action of casting a spell on their enemies.

5. Look at the way Hog Rider is sitting on the hog! He will fall off for sure. Be careful!
Answer: The verb "fall" is in the future simple tense. It implies that the Hog Rider is currently sitting on the hog in a precarious manner and predicts that he will fall off in the near future. The speaker warns others to be cautious.

6. Every clan trains troops for future battles.
Answer: The verb "train" is in the present simple tense. It indicates a general truth or a habit, implying that all clans regularly train troops to prepare for upcoming battles.

7. I bet you will earn a lot of gold if you are successful.
Answer: The verb "earn" is in the future simple tense. It suggests that if the person addressed achieves success, they will obtain a significant amount of gold as a reward.

8. In the Clash of Clans world in 2050, there will exist many new communities, and there will be many new fighting clans.
Answer: Both verbs "exist" and "be" are in the future simple tense. They describe the state of the Clash of Clans world in the year 2050, predicting the presence of numerous new communities and fighting clans.

9. This time next year, the giants will store their elixir in a secret vault.
Answer: The verb "store" is in the future simple tense. It indicates the giants' intention to keep their elixir in a hidden vault by this time next year.

10. My friend believes that his clan will create the strongest defense.
Answer: The verb "create" is in the future simple tense. It reflects the belief held by the speaker's friend that their clan will have the most potent defense in the future.

11. Will you choose PEKKA as one of your defenders?
Answer: The verb "choose" is in the future simple tense. It denotes a future action of selecting PEKKA as one of the defenders.

12. Many of the clan members carry out research in the future on what would be the best defense.
Answer: The verb "carry out" is in the present simple tense. It portrays an ongoing action or habit of many clan members researching and investigating different defensive strategies in the future.

13. Do you think that in 2115, people will play Clash of the Clans?
Answer: The verb "play" is in the future simple tense. The speaker inquires about the possibility of people continuing to engage in playing Clash of the Clans in the year 2115.

14. Balloon will not fly tomorrow because bad weather is expected.
Answer: The verb "fly" is in the future simple tense and is negated by "not." It suggests that the balloon will not be able to fly the next day due to the predicted unfavorable weather conditions.

15. Look at that! The Archer is shooting an arrow at her enemy!
Answer: The verb "shoot" is in the present continuous tense. It describes the ongoing action of the Archer character launching an arrow towards their opponent.

16. Will you fight against your enemy class next week? Yes, I plan on doing so. They are dangerous!
Answer: The verb "fight" is in the future simple tense. The speaker is asking whether the person addressed intends to engage in a battle against their adversaries in the upcoming week. The response confirms the plan and acknowledges the danger posed by the enemies.

17. I doubt that the XYZ Clan will upgrade their defenses - they don’t have enough gold or elixir.
Answer: The verb "upgrade" is in the future simple tense. The speaker expresses doubt about the XYZ Clan's ability to improve their defenses in the future due to their lack of resources.

18. The Dragon will target whatever is nearest to him - so be prepared.
Answer: The verb "target" is in the future simple tense. It indicates the Dragon's behavior of directing its attack towards the nearest target. The speaker advises others to be ready for this action.

19. Look over there! The dragons will suck up fire and then breathe it out, destroying everything in their path.
Answer: Both verbs "suck" and "breathe" are in the future simple tense. They describe the dragons' actions of gathering fire and subsequently exhaling it, resulting in the destruction of everything in their way. The speaker points out this phenomenon.

20. PEKKA’s armor will absorb hard blows, but it will not absorb electricity.
Answer: Both verbs "absorb" and "not absorb" are in the future simple tense. They describe how PEKKA's armor will react to different forces. It suggests that the armor can withstand strong impacts but is ineffective against electricity.

21. Tomorrow at this time, the goblins will attack the resource building and then run away from your clan faster than anybody.
Answer: The verbs "attack" and "run" are in the future simple tense. They convey the goblins' actions of launching an assault on the resource building and quickly retreating from the speaker's clan. The timeframe specified is "tomorrow at this time."

22. The Wizard will shoot fireballs over the walls in...
Answer: The verb "shoot" is in the future simple tense. It portrays the Wizard character's intended action of projecting fireballs over the walls. The sentence is incomplete and requires additional information.
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