1.     My favourite sport …… tennis. a)     are
b)      is
c)     be
d)     am
e)     do
2.     Roberto is Italian. He’s …… Italy.
a)     from
b)     at
c)     to
d)     on
e)     for
3.     Nursultan  is the …… of Kazakhstan.
a)     National
b)     Capital
c)     Country
d)     Small town
e)     nationality
4.     I leave for work …… quarter past eight.
a)     On
b)     In
c)     At
d)     from
e)     behind
5.     The doctor told me that I …… smoke.
a)     mustn’t
b)     hasn’t
c)     won’t
d)     needn’t
e)     couldn’t
6.     …… that man in the red hat?
a)     Whose
b)     Whom
c)     Who
d)     Who is
e)     When
7.     Is …… your new car? It’s great!
a)     these
b)      that
c)      there
d)     those
e)     there is
8.     This letter is for Tom. Give it to ……
a)     him
b)     he
c)     his
d)     their
e)     me
9.     We …… to school every day.
a)     gos
b)      goes
c)      going
d)     went
e)     go
10.  She often …… fish because it’s good for her.
a)     eats
b)      eat
c)      eates
d)     eating
e)     ate
11.  She …… a letter at the moment.
a)     write
b)      are writing
c)      writes
d)     am writing
e)     is writing
12.  What …… on Saturdays?
a)     are you doing
b)      do you
c)      do you do
d)     is you do
e)     am doing
13.  Look at Jane! She …… a red dress today!
a)     wearing
b)      is wearing
c)      is wear
d)     am wearing
e)     are wearing
14.  Yesterday we …… to the cinema and saw a great film.
a)     go
b)      have gone
c)     goes
d)      went
e)     going
15.  When …… Rome? Last summer or last winter?
a)     did you visit
b)      are you visiting
c)      do you visit
d)     will you visit
e)     does you visit
16.  London is …… than New York.
a)     noisiest
b)      noisy
c)      noisier
d)     more noisy
e)     the most noisy
17.  Paris is the …… city I’ve ever seen.
a)     beautiful
b)     beautifuler
c)     beautifulest
d)      more beautiful
e)      most beautiful
18.  …… your homework yet?
a)     Do you finish
b)      Have you finished
c)      Are you finishing
d)     Does your finish
e)     Is your finish
19.  …… you help me with my project, please?
a)     Need
b)     Must
c)     Have
d)      Can
e)      Must
20.  Anna and Kate  to the cinema last Sunday.
a)     didn’t went 
b)      don’t go 
c)      didn’t go
d)     doesn’t go
e)     hasn’t go

dashahomjak1 dashahomjak1    3   18.06.2021 12:10    0

SmatBok SmatBok  18.07.2021 13:13

1. B) is

2. A) from

3. B) capital

4. C) at

5. A) mustn't

6. D) who is

7. B) that

8. A) him

9. E) go

10. A) eats

11. E) is writing

12. C) do you do

13. C) is wear

14. D) went

15. A) did you visit

16. C) noisier

17. E) most beautiful

18. B) have you finished

19. D) can

20. A) didn't went

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