1)Mum the carpets every Saturday. A mops B hoovers Clays
2) The Burj Khalifa is building in the world.
A taller than C the most tallest B the tallest
3) A: Can I help you? B:
A I'd like a ticket to Brighton, please.
B Have a nice day. C Single or return?
4) I use some of your insect repellent?
A Must B Have to C Can
5)Do you always pay your bills time?
A at B on C in
6) The loggerhead turtles'
season is from late March to early June.
A impressive B breeding C spectacular
7)I believe travelling by car is more

than travelling by train. A much B very C as
8) To keep away you need to put on
lots of insect repellent. A snakes B alligators C
9) I... the furniture twice a week.
A dust B make C iron
10) I can't think of a title for my story.
A nasty B real-life C catchy
11) Always cross at the for your own safety.
A tunnel B road sign C zebra crossing
12) Do you take part in activities and events
A public B citizen C community
13) If you get caught in a flood, climb up a
A flash B ground C shaking
14) The show real doctors
A focuses B features C draws
15) We need to from the city for a while.
A escape B hide C survive

vany4189 vany4189    2   05.02.2023 13:12    29

Deloroza Deloroza  05.02.2023 13:13

1. A mops

2. B the tallest

3. A I'd like a ticket to Brighton, please.

4. C Can

5. C in

6. B breeding

7. A much

8. C mosquitoes

9. A dust

10. C catchy

11. C zebra crossing

12. C community

13. B ground

14. B features

15. A escape


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