1.) Most children stop using challenging behaviors when: a.) the behavior stops working for them b.) they are disciplined c.) they get to kindergarten d.) they develop strong language skills 2.) Challenging Behavior is defined as behavior that: a.) interferes with a child’s learning, development or successful play b.) is harmful to the child or other children c.) puts a child at risk for later social problems d.) all of the above 3.) Before targeting a child’s challenging behaviors, teachers should first examine: a.) their own teaching practices b.) the classroom layout, expectations and experiences c.) their own values and beliefs about challenging behaviors d.) all of the above 4.) Teachers should first list a child’s as a way to set a positive approach to helping a child learn to use more positive behaviors. a.) hobbies b.) favorite toys c.) positive characteristics or strengths d.) assessment scores 5.) As teachers prepare to work with a child with challenging behaviors, they will find that their with that child is at the heart of the process. a.) trusting relationship b.) friendship c.) academic focus d.) all of the above Seminar tasks
1. Working with Children with Challenging Behavior
2. The Challenging Child: Understanding, Raising and Enjoying the Five “Difficult” Types of Children
3. A Guide for parents whose child is more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, energetic
4. Classification of deviations
5. Functional analysis of classroom variables for students with emotional and behavioral disorder
6. Family outcomes in early intervention
7. The effects of poverty on children
8. Functional assessment and the treatment of mealtime behavior problems
9. Effects of challenging behaviors on social relationships
10. Developmental Nature of Challenging Behaviors

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