1. Molly went ... out of the classroom
a) quicker
b) quick
c) quickly
2. I think she ... late tomorrow
a) will
b) be
c) will be
3. If wear late, we ... the train
a) miss
b) missed
c) will miss
4. If I ... his telephone number, I would phone him
a) find
b) found
c) will find
5. Do they knom ... telephone number?
a) he
b) him
c) his
6. ... is one of the most serious and crucial world's problems of our day
a) Pollute
b) Pollution
7. Luckily ... people realize now that we must look after the sea and protect it
a) many
b) much
8. They say polluting the sea should be ... prohibited
a) strict
b) sticly
9. Groups of people who care about the ... spend
a) environment
b) environmental
10. Their free time cleaning up ... from the beashes
a) litter
b) letter
11. Pete said that Moscow ... beautiful in spring
a) is
b) was
c) has been
12. Laura ... worry about her health
a) ask to met not to
b) asked to not
c) asked me not to
13. I am surprised to see you. Your sister said you ... ill
a) were
b) has been
c) are
14. Patrick told me that writing a test ... his nervous
a) is making
b) will make
c) made
15. Jake told me ... calm
a) to have stayed
b) stay
c) to stay

foward11 foward11    2   13.05.2020 10:51    20

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