1. Mike said yesterday that he ... us as soon as he had any news.
a) calls
b) would call
c) will call
2. The doctor told me that i ... drink less coffe.
a) should
b) to
c) shall
3. I asked that man where ..., but he didn't know the city.
a) was the nearest metro
b) is the nearest metro
c) the nearest metro was
4. i was very tired when i got home, so pete offered... dinner.
a) cooking
b) me to cook
c) to cook
5. The managing director thanked all his staff ... him during the crisis.
a) for supporting
b) to support
c) for support
6. The gym instructor suggested that ... do 40 min a day at first.
a) me doing
b) i should
c) me to
7. "Will you stay for supper?" - she asked...for supper.
a) me to stay
b) me stay
c) if i stayed
8. The general ordered his soldiers...
a)not shoot
b) to not shoot
c) not to shoot
9. Your sister wants to know where ...
a) did you put
b) you put
c) do you put
10. The receptionist asked us if ... upgrade to a better room.
a) we would like to
b) we like to
c) would we like to

Глглолл Глглолл    2   01.04.2021 15:29    13

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