1. Match the words to form collocations.
1) Cook
2) Have
3) Decorate
4) Dress
5) Light
6) Exchange

a) bonfires
b) gifts
c) up
d) special food
e) street parades
f) the house

2. Choose the correct word.
1. a/some potatoes
2. some/ an eggs
3. a/an apple
4. some/a milk
5. a /some rice
3. Fill in: some, any, many or much
1. A: So, what do you need for the chocolate cake?
B: Well, I need some flour, …. eggs and … butter.
2. A: How … eggs do you need?
B: Four eggs
3. A: Ok, Here they are. And how …. flour?
B: Half a kilo.
4. A: Do you need … milk?
B: Of course! I need one and a half glasses of milk.
5. A: How …. butter do you need?
B: Not …. . About fifty grams.
6. A: Right. I think we have everything. Oh no, we don’t have … sugar.
B: Don’t worry. I have …. sugar. And …. cocoa too.
4. Read the e-mail bellow and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false)
Dear Tom,
How are you? It’s my birthday next Saturday and I’m having a party at my house. Why don’t you come? We always have a fantastic time!
I usually decorate my room with a lot of balloons and we all play Catch the Balloon, Hot Potato and other games.
Then, there’s the food. My mother is a great cook and she makes a lot of delicious food. We usually have sandwiches, crisps, small cakes and chocolate biscuits. She also makes chicken and a couple of salads. There is always a lot of coke, orange and apple juice to drink, and my birthday cake of course.
So, I really hope you can make it! The party starts at seven. Don’t be late!
Bye for now,
1. Nick decorates the whole house with balloons.
2. Hot Potato is a kind of food.
3. Nick doesn’t cook the food.
4. They serve vanilla biscuits.
5. There is only one orange juice.

IslamKapkaev IslamKapkaev    3   18.05.2020 09:09    8

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