1. Match the words (1-6) with the words (A-F) to make word combinations.
1. To outline A) a prominent role.
2. To cast B) the steps.
3. To develop C) the problem.
4. To play D) a charity marathon.
5. To identify E) a glance.
6 To run F) coordination.

2. Complete the questions with the correct question tags.
1. She can’t swim, ?
2. Yesterday was so much fun, ?
3. He’s a doctor, ?
4. Your sister lives in Spain, ?
5. Your parents have retired, ?
6. She was crying, ?
3. Complete the sentences with so or such.
1. She is a smart girl.
2. She is pretty.
3. It was hot we couldn’t work.
4. That was unpleasant.
5. November was a cold month.
6. This book is interesting.
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.
1. I (to watch) this football match for an hour.
2. You (not to show) me your room yet.
3. We (to make) presents for her at the moment.
4. His father (to work) at this plant for twenty years.
5. You (not to see) me for years.
6. I (to wait) here for half an hour.
7. They (to skip) now.
8. He (to train) in the Sports Centre for three years.
9. I (to do) my homework by eight o’clock.
10. He (to teach) English at our school since 1998.

mickey1977 mickey1977    3   21.05.2020 21:42    3

godd1 godd1  15.10.2020 05:17

1-C/ 2-E/ 3-R/4-A/5-B/6-D


1)can she?

2)wasn`t it?

3)is he?

4)doesn`t she?

5)have not they?

6)was not she?

# 3








1) i am watching

2) you have not showed

3)we are making

4)was working

5)have not seen

6)i am waiying

7) are skipping

8) is training

9)have done

10)he has been teaching

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