1. match the term and its definition
1) effects a)the institution and conduct of legal proceedings against a person
2) levy b) the formal signing of an act of parliament
by the sovereign, by which it becomes law
3) board of customs c) an official document granting a right
4) assessed tax d) a tax on goods, such as spirits, produced
for the home market
5) excise duty e) determined amount of a tax on a property
6) letters patent f) the government department responsible for
the collection of duties on imports or exports.
7) royal assent g) the act of imposing and collecting a tax, tariff,
8) prosecution h) personal property or belongings

2. translate the following words into russian and learn their pronunciation:
safeguarding, hazardous items, apprehend, impede, customary, ordinance, entrust,
revenue, merger, exchequer, implement, effectively, effects, legislation,
regulations, enforce, warrants, entry.

3. insert the missing words from the box and translate the text

an authority, customs duties, goods, forbidden, monitors, documentation, warrants, deemed, government, collection of revenue, effects, items, agency.

customs is … in a country responsible for collecting and safeguarding …and
for controlling the flow of …including animals, personal … and hazardous … in
and out of a country.
depending on local legislation and regulations, the import or export of some
goods may be …, and the customs agency enforces these rules.
the customs … may be different from the immigration authority, which …
persons who leave or enter the country, checking for appropriate…, apprehending
people wanted by international arrest …, and impeding the entry of others
…. dangerous to the country.
customs is an important part of the … involved in one of the three basic
functions of a government, namely, administration, maintenance of law, order
and justice and ….

4. translate this short annotation to the text into english.
в этом тексте описывается краткая создания тамо-
женных пошлин и акцизных сборов в великобритании. дается хронология
всех этапов его становления, начиная с 12 века. раскрывается сущность
понятия «таможня» и его первоначальное значение. сообщается о функ-
циональных обязанностях служащих этого государственного органа, а
также приводятся примеры товаров, предметов потребления подлежащих
когда-либо налогообложению.

three customs channels
5. study the words, find the sentences with these words in the text, translate
1. go through customs – проходить таможенный досмотр
2. to arrive in a country – прибывать, приезжать в страну
3. customs channels – таможенные коридоры
4. declaring goods – декларирование товаров
5. separate – отделять, разделять
6. banned – запрещённый
7. restricted – ограниченный
8. unlimited – неограниченный
9. amount – величина, количество
10. excise goods – облагаемые акцизом товары
11. seize – конфисковать, налагать арест
12. commercial use – коммерческое использование
13. duty free – беспошлинный
14. in cash – наличными
15. carry out – выполнять, осуществлять
16. unsure (unsure about ) – неуверенный
17. excise duty – акцизный сбор
18. vat от value-added tax – налог на добавленную стоимость
19. customs duty – таможенная пошлина

6. translate the following words into russian and learn their pronunciation:
receipt, merchandise, exceed, allowance, penalty, reimbursement, seizure,
procedure, passengers, the european union, alcohol, tobacco, the uk border
agency, satisfy, fail, immediately.

mishankina1985 mishankina1985    3   08.01.2020 20:55    5

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