1 Match the sentence halves. Then complete the second conditional sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 If I (live) in Australia, 
2 I (not feel) lonely 
3 I (save) as much money as possible 
4 If I (not go) to school, 
5 I (call) her 
6 If I (eat) more fruit and vegetables, 
7 If you (know) the answer, 
8 If I (can) play a musical instrument, 
9 I (see) lions and elephants 
10 If I (be) on a reality TV show, 
A I (join) a band.
B I (not learn) anything.
C I (become) famous.
D if I (have) more friends.
E I (not tell) you!
F if I (travel) to Kenya.
G if I (find) a good job.
H I (be) healthier.
I I (go) surfing every day.
J if I (know) her phone number.

SophiakoSheleva5666 SophiakoSheleva5666    1   24.02.2021 11:15    3

lambert1337 lambert1337  26.03.2021 11:17



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