№1. Match the questions to the responses

1) Could I have a glass of water, please.
2) May I open the window?
3) Could I use your phone?
4) Can I ride your bike?
5) Could I borrow some money?
6) May I leave now?

a) No way! You’ll crash it again!
b) I’m afraid I don’t have any.
c) Ok. We are all going home now.
d) Yes, it is a bit warm in here
e) Sure. Are you calling your mother?
f) Yes. Here you are.

№2. Choose the correct item: ( в тетради номер предложения и букву- правильный ответ)
1) Brendan has got a brother.
a. double b. twice c. twin
2) It’s my birthday5th August
a.at b.in c.on
3) There is food in the cupboard
a. any b.a c. some
4) June is the month of the year
a.sixth b.six c.sixteen
5) They usually go to school foot
a.in b.on c.by
6) Wear your coat, scarf and glass. It’s cold
a. freezing b. boiling c. pouring
7)Do you your teeth every day?
a.wash b.brush c.do
8) Does he History at school?
a. teaching b. teaches c teach
9) Let’s watch the firework
a.display b.show. c.programme
10)On Christmas Day we all gifts
a.transfer b exchange c change

RedFoxTR RedFoxTR    2   08.04.2020 14:28    49

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