1. Marta’s motorcycle was expensive than Debbie’s. А) less

Б) little

В) least

Г) the least

какого суффикса образуется существительное от «happy»?

А) -ous

Б) -dom

В) -ship

Г) -ness

3. Hurry up! The guests here any minute now.

А) are

Б) will

В) will be

Г) will have been

4. I since childhood.

А) am painting

Б) have painting

В) have been painting

Г) have been painted

5. There is milk in the bottle.

А) many

Б) a few

В) little

Г) few

6. Укажите лишнее

А) knowledge

Б) clothes

В) news

Г) advice

7. Usually I get up 7 o’clock morning.

А) in the / on the

Б) on the / in

В) at / in the

Г) on / at the

8. Укажите верный ответ. Do you like comedies and romantic films?

А) No, they don’t.

Б) Some of them.

В) I am a nurse.

Г) No, I usually walk to work.

9. Your son worked of all.

А) good

Б) well

В) better

Г) best

10. Укажите неверный вариант

А) the Ukraine

Б) the Thames

В) the Petrovs

Г) the Russia

11. plates are dirty. Put them in the dishwasher.

А) That

Б) Those

В) Any

Г) Hers

12. Have you seen him ?

А) eveything

Б) somebody

В) nothing

Г) anywhere

13. There is no reason you to be angry.

А) of

Б) for

В) about

Г) by

14. Is this house or ?

А) yours / our

Б) yours / ours

В) your / ours

Г) your / our

15. Укажите верный вариант.

А) There is a money in my bag.

Б) My foots are cold today.

В) I play football every Saturday.

Г) There is a meat in the fridge.

MeBloger MeBloger    3   17.10.2020 23:38    15

vakhram vakhram  16.11.2020 23:38

1 -?


3 А

4 Б

5 Г

6 Б

7 В

8 А

9 Б

10 А

11 Б

12 А

13 Б

14 В

15 В


only10up only10up  16.11.2020 23:38

1) A

2) Г

3) В

4) В

5) В

6) Б

7) В

8) Б

9) Г

10) А

11) Б

12) Г

13) Б

14) В

15) В


Очень много что связано со степенью сравнения, с употреблением a few \ few, a little \ little (с исчисляемыми и с не исчисляемыми сущ-ми)

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