(1 mark per answer)
3) complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.
9 i was pleased when i got my composition back and there was only one
on it! correct
10 it's important for old people to keep their minds
and to learn new things.
11 in the
. . , i found karate quite hard, but i soon learned the basics. begin
12 do you think that. learn languages more easily than adults? child
13 for most people, a
helps them get a better job. educate
14 my
is helen keller, who became a writer even though she couldn't see or
hear. hero
. silent
1 mrs jones walked around the room while the students worked.
16 have you ever taken part in any.
events, like the high jump or the long
jump? athlete
.. instruct
17 i bought a new computer game, but i don't understand the
18 at the concert last night, the band
all their famous hits. sing
(1 mark per answe
complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
in hatunon two and five words in each gap.​

Катя180982 Катя180982    2   13.11.2019 12:44    39

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