1. making friends; you; do; enjoy.
2. share; who; have; do; you; friends; your; interests.
3. in; usually;do;the evenings; what;do;you.
4. do; like;to; spend; weekends; your;how;you.
5. music;is;of; what; your; kind; favourite.
6. countries; have;to;ever; other;been;you.
7. do; spend; much; how; time; you; watching;TV.
9. to; join; club; why; do; want; you; our.
1- do you enjoy making friends?
2-do you have friends who share your interests?
3- what do you usially do in the evenings?
4-how do you like to spend weekends?
5-what kind of music is your favorite?
6-have you ever been to to other countries?
7-how much time do you spend watching TV?
9- why don't you want join to our club?