1. Listen to the dialogue. Answer 2 questions:
1. What does Jim want to make?
2. What ingredients does he need?
2 . Complete the questions with How much, How many
1 … students are there in the class today?
2 … time do spend on your homework every day?
3 … money do you spend every week?
4 … DVDs have you got?
5 … housework do you do every week?
3. Choose
1 We’ve got much/many bread.
2 There aren’t much/many books in my bag.
3 I’ve got much/many friends.
4 There isn’t much/many milk in the fridge
5 I haven’t got much/many homework this week.
6 I need much/many help with this exercise.
4. Correct the mistakes
1 How much carrots are there?
2 Can I have any more tea?
3 There’s many sugar in the jar.
4 There aren’t some pears left.
5 Have you got any milks left?
6 There aren’t some oranges in the basket.
5. Write 6 sentences about the picture, three true and three false. Use much, many, a few, a little.

sanyakuzmin01 sanyakuzmin01    2   27.04.2020 20:22    17

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