1. ju st/l/ eaten/have/ a / pike. 2. have/ they/ suitcase/ just / their /packed.
3. never/has/my/ mum/ Africa/to/been.
4. seen / ever / have / you / a / wolf?
5. the / cleaned / he / not/ yet / has / parrot’s / cage.

Antonio11111111 Antonio11111111    1   10.06.2020 13:24    6

Vlad0072005 Vlad0072005  15.10.2020 13:37

1 I have just eaten a pike

2 They have just packed their suitcase

3 My mum has never been to Africa

4 Have you ever seen a wolf?

5 He has not cleaned the parrot's cage yet

Dianapro111 Dianapro111  15.10.2020 13:37

1.I have just eaten a pike.

2.The have just packed their suitcase.

3.My mum has never been to Africa.

4.Have you ever seen a wolf?

5.He has not cleaned the parrot's cage yet.

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