1 Jack’s father (not work) in London – he (not speak) English.
2 When you (know) your examination results
3Kathy (travel) to Cardiff next month to attend the conference.
4. Ann already (phone) me.
5 The coffee shop (open) at seven o’clock tomorrow morning.
6Now I am in my class. I (sit) at my desk. I always (sit) at the same desk.
7My mum (write) shopping list. It’s on the kitchen table.

klimenkovlad598 klimenkovlad598    2   09.05.2020 19:17    7

arinka200000 arinka200000  14.09.2020 08:21

1. doesn't work, doesn't speak

2. will know

3. will travel

4. phoned

5. will open

6. sitting, sit

7. wrote