1. It’s house, not . 1. their…ours B) theirs….our C) theirs…ours D) their…us
2.Are these pencils ?
1. her B) my C) your D) hers
3.He wants to do it .
1. himself B) herself C) myself D) themselves
4.The restaurant is very good, but not the service.
1. himself B) herself C) yourself D) itself
5.She washed the dishes .
1. herself B) himself C) yourself D) hers
6.Take pencils.
1. this B) that C) those D) a
7.This book is not .
1. my B) me C) mine D) you
8.Don’t let smoke here.
1. he B) his C) him D) himself
9.There no place better than home and there no people more dear than your relatives.
A) is… are B) is…is C) are…are D) are…is
10.My father’s firm is from our house.
A) the same B) twice C) near D) far
11.My mother is 38 years old.
A) nor B) even C) only D) enough
12.It me half an hour to get to the college.
A) goes B) takes C) looks D) consists
13.Everybody in our family is easy to get with.
A) each other B) along C) others D) together
14.Where does he live?
A) in the firm B) at the firm C) in the flat D) on the flat
15.Where does he study?
A) at the college B) in the street C) in one of the houses D) in the firm
16.My favourite subjects are History and Mathematics.
A) a / a B) the / the C) --- / --- D) a / the
17.Where does he spend his free time?
A) at the disco B) at the college C) at school D) at work
18.We live in good in our new flat.
A) satisfaction B) conditions C) fashion D) flat
19.In our country the academic year starts on 9/1.
A) the ninth of January C) first September
B) the nine of January D) the first of September
20.There ___ one armchair and two chairs in the sitting room.
A) is B) are C) be D) am
21.His ___ are on the table.
A) text-books B) textbook C) texts-books D) text-book's
22.“Where is your sister?” – “She a bath”.
A) has B) is having C) has been having D) had
23.I English words by heart.
A) teach B) work C) study D) learn
24.We will exams in summer.
1. learn B) take C) make D) not
25.Life is impossible without .
1. work B) play C) phone D) TV
26.Teachers and parents always say that hard work is the only way .
1. to have a rest B) to achieve our goals C) to sleep D) achieve something
27.Good is better than .
1. wealth / health B) work / health C) health / wealth D) rest / wealth
28.At the Geography lessons we study nature .
1. phenomena B) phenomenons C) phenomenas D) phenomenones
29. on houses vary in geometry, method of ventilation and covering material.
1. roof B) rooves C) roofs D) roofes
30.Andrew some educational programmes in English.
1. to watch B) watch C) watches D) watchs
31.Emma at the lesson.
1. don’t dream B) isn’t dream C) doesn’t dream D) not dream
32.She often her lunchbox at home.
1. to forget B) forget C) forgets D) is forget
33.The seminar at 12:00.
1. to finish B) finishes C) finishs D) finish
34.This team like a champion.
1. don’t play B) play C) isn’t play D) doesn’t play
35.The children coffee with their meals.
1. doesn’t drink B) don’t drink C) not drink D) isn’t drink

TimurChik2100 TimurChik2100    3   12.06.2020 12:16    5


1 1. their…ours

2 D) hers

3 1. himself

4 D) itself

5 1. herself

6 C) those

7 C) mine

8 C) him

9 A) is… are

10 D) far

11 C) only

12 B) takes

13 B) along

14 C) in the flat

15 A) at the college

16 C) --- / --

17 A) at the disco

18 B) conditions

19 A) the ninth of January

20 A) is

21  A) text-books

22 B) is having

23 D) learn

24 B) take

25 1. work

26 B) to achieve our goals

27 C) health / wealth

28 1. phenomena

29 C) roofs

30 C) watches

31  C) doesn’t dream

32  C) forgets

33 B) finishes

34 D) doesn’t play

35 B) don’t drink

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