1. It is usual to shake hands with everyone when you arrive or leave a formal meeting in ...

a) Australia b) the Czech Republic c) the UK

2. Handshakes are firm and brief in ...

a) France b) Thailand c) Italy

3. When you lean back your head and close your eyes, it means "no" in ...

a) Germany b) Turkey c) the USA

4. Clapping is a common greeting in ...

a) China b) Spain c) India

5. It is considered offensive to touch someone's head in ...

a) the UK b) the Netherlands c) India

6. It is considered rude to pass in front of people with your back to them in ...

a) Russia b) Switzerland c) Australia

7. If you lift your shoulders and raise your hands you mean "I don't know" in ...

a) Italy b) Morocco c) Poland

Андрей22111111 Андрей22111111    3   19.03.2020 05:55    6

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