1. It_ cold yesterday. [be].
2. She_ to the cinema with you sister (go).
3.1_ a tiger in the Zoo (see).
4. They didn't _ him in the garden [help].
5. Ann_ home at 3 o'clock pm last Sunday
6. Did children_ TV much yesterday
17.I_ your bag yesterday (take).
8. We_ our homework at 5 yesterday [do].
9. Last week you_ me your cat (give].
10. Last summer we in the Black Sea

InnaGlazova InnaGlazova    1   28.04.2020 12:06    0

Кактус1313 Кактус1313  14.10.2020 00:31

1. was

2. went

3. saw

4. help

5. came

6. watch

7. took

8. did

9. gave

10. swam

Руслана462 Руслана462  14.10.2020 00:31
wasis going не поняла,что в начале написано helpcamewatch tookdidgaveswam
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