1. .Используй соответствующие формы глаголов из рамки, чтобы заполнить пропуски в предложениях.

Rebuild move prepare remember find celebrate be

1. They ___ the house at the moment.

2. John asks when you ___ to your new flat.

3. Where is Ann/ - She ___ supper.

4. Sofia wants to know if Alice ___ Mr Brown’s address.

5. Yesterday I ___ an ancient map in one of my father’s albums.

6. They ___ Pete’s birthday three days ago.

7. Arnold’s hair ___ fair, not dark in his childhood.

2. Напиши эти предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Mark says: “Is Alaska the largest state in the USA?”

2. David says: “Americans built the first skyscrapers.”

3. Sam says: “ I am going to see Manhattan”.

4. Benny asks: “What symbols of the UK and the USA can you name, Polly?”

5. Nora says: “Morris, take the dog out, please.”

6. Rose asks: “ Don’t buy this scarf, Ann”.​

ivancornij8 ivancornij8    2   18.04.2020 18:25    6

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