1. Is this your/yours dresses?
2. It's their/theirs skies, not our/ours.
3. Are these your/yours T-shirts?
4. Is this phone your/yours?
5. That's not my/mine skirt. My/mine is in the wardrobe.
6. They know our/ours e-mail but we don't know their/theirs.
7. They've got two pets but we don't know their/theirs names.
8. My/mine car is bigger than her/hers but her/hers is faster.​

Comicsans123 Comicsans123    2   12.02.2021 12:00    1

IamPrincess5 IamPrincess5  12.02.2021 12:10

1. Is this your dresses?

2. It's their skies, not ours.

3. Are these your T-shirts?

4. Is this phone yours?

5. That's not my skirt. My is in the wardrobe.

6. They know our e-mail but we don't know theirs.

7. They've got two pets but we don't know their names.

8. My car is bigger than her but hers is faster.​


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