1. … is the press, the radio and television. It plays an 2. … role in the life of society. They 3. … , educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look

at the 4. … and make them change their views. Mass media affect 5. … opinion.

Millions of people watch TV and read 6. … in their free time. Everybody can find

there something 7. … for him. On the radio you can hear music, plays, news and

various discussions or 8. … of current events. Unfortunately, we can see a lot of 9.

… on mass media. Some of the TV and radio 10.… and newspapers are owned by

different corporations. Mass media brings to millions of homes not only 11. … and

news but also cultural and 12. … programs. Закомплектуйте текст нижче вказаними словами

(entertaiment, stations, newspapers, commercial, interesting, inform, world, public,

important, commentaries, mass media, educational).​

inybax inybax    3   22.04.2021 09:20    1

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