1. …is a pharmacist. a) We c) She
b) You d) His
2. There … patients in this hospital.
a) was c) are
b) is d) shall be
3. Chemistry is … than other disciplines.
a) difficult c) the most difficult
b) more difficult d) -
4. The pharmacist … about side effects of these medicines now.
a) is speaking c) had spoken
b) speak d) speaking
5. … are doing test in English now.
a) She c) We
b) It d) He
6. The analyses … by 3 p.m. yesterday.
a) was made c) had been made
b) were making d) have been made
7. He … come to the laboratory yesterday.
a) must not c) may
b) couldn’t d) can
8. There … not anybody in the University yesterday.
a) were c) will be
b) was d) are
9. No changes... in the patient's condition now.
a) are observing c) are being observed
b) were being observed d) are observed
10. This is ... pharmacy I hаvе ever seen.
a) good c) better
b) the best d) worse

rabadanovaasya rabadanovaasya    3   13.06.2020 12:00    1

Alisa6666666666666 Alisa6666666666666  13.06.2020 12:01

Is пишем, когда говорим о нём, о ней. Если о них, тогда пишем are.

Степени сравнения: the most - самый...; more пишем, когда сравниваем. Например, он лучше, чем...

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