1. Insert the appropriate words instead of the gaps.

Geography lessons

Вставте слова : Valleys, rivers, oceans, the Earth, lake, an island, contains, the highest, population, desert, Geography, temperate, forests, countries, explorer, discovered, earthquakes, mountains, continents

We started studying Geography this year. Our teachers tell us a lot of fun facts

about the … in the world. … teaches us about … , volcanoes, …, and all kinds

of the things. We speak about different things in the lessons: the landscapes of our

planet, its … and plains, … and seas, … and lakes. We have learned that

landscapes are different on different … . Asia, North America, Europe are

covered with … . The largest … is the Sahara , in Africa.

There are … and mountains, oceans, seas, and rivers on … .

Europe is the sixth largest continent in size and the third largest in … . It is

famous for its … climate, forests and grasslands.

Asia … the world’s most populous country, China. The highest point Mount

Everest is in Asia.

North America’s three largest countries are Canada, Mexico, and the USA.

Columbus … this continent, but it was named after an Italian … Amerigo

Vespucci. … Superior, the largest fresh-water lake in the world , is on this

continent. The country of Greenland is the biggest … on the planet.

2. Translate into English following words:

Азія, Північна Америка, Європа, Мертве море, гора Еверест, Китай.

3. Complete with the appropriate prepositions:

To be covered …

To be named …

To be famous …

To participate …

To sign … …

4. Choose the correct alternative:

Everybody can/has to read Math material slowly and thoroughly.

We can/have to divide all literature into two groups depending on their form: prose and poetry.

Pupils mustn’t/must pay much attention to all the subjects because they

are all important.

You can/can’t be a well-educated person if you don’t know at least one foreign language.

They can/may make crafts, draw and paint in Art lessons.

May/should I go out? Yes, you may.

You look tired, you should/may have a rest.

PodolskayaOlli PodolskayaOlli    3   25.05.2020 19:00    2

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