1. If we are lucky we try to better ways of the (discover, objectives, attaining). 2. Four major economic are generally (accepted, goals). 3. The economists job is to help
policies that will economycs resources in ways that best these (achieve, goals,
design, allocate). 4. focuses on the of an entire economy - "the big picture; (behavior,
macroeconomics). 5. The of macroeconomics is to understand and the of the
economy (improve, performance, as a whole, essential concern) 6. The between
macro- and microeconomics is a (distinction, matter of convenience). 7. Macroeconomic
outcomes micro behavior, and micro behavior is by macro (outcomes, behavior,
depend on, affected).8. one cannot fully understand how an works until one understands how
all the behave and why they as they do (participants, behave, hence, economy). 9.
we care about the of individuals in , we have - in
microeconomic behavior and outcomes (fundamental interest, welfare, to the extent that, society).

Meow444 Meow444    2   16.10.2020 08:39    0

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