1. if i don't come home now, i…. never come home.
a. `ll
b. `s
c. `m
d. `is
2. if i …. all the money, i'll have to buy pasta on stock
a. spend
b. spund
c. spand
d. outlay
3. if you don't want to change anything, …. come to me .
a. don’t
b. doesn’t
c. haven`t
d. has not
4. what …. you do if you knew you were going to die tomorrow?
1. would
2. went
3. to be
4. was
5. if i had met her i …. have gone to the conference with her
a. would
b. to be
c. was
d. were
6. i asked him if he … anything.
a. wanted
b. wants
c. will wan
d. will
7. somebody told you about him, didn`t … ?
a. they
b. you
c. he
d. we
8. there were two answers, and was right.
a. neither;
b. no one;
c. no;
d. not any.
9. what they say may be true; you never
a. say;
b. tell;
c. remember;
d. recognize.
10.helen asked me the film called “star wars”.
a. i had seen. ;
b. have you seen;
c. had i seen;
d. have i seen.
11. i’m not going to tell you the reason my decision,
a. for
b. with
c. on
d. to
12. doing these exercises may be good me, but i hate every minute of it.
a. for
b. to
c. on
d. at
13. she heard miss drake … that ann was really happy.
a. say
b. to tell
c. tell
d. to say
14. i went to the shop some chocolate.
a. to buy
b. for buy
c. for buying
d. buy
15.we arrived england two days ago.
a. in
b. to
c. on
d. at
16.'why are you so hungry? ' 'oh, i breakfast this morning.'
a. didn’t have
b. didn't
c. hadn’t
d. haven't
17.you better see a doctor.
a. should
b. would
c. did
d. had
18.you should swimming.
a. take up
b. get off
c. start up
d. take off
19.'did you speak to juliet? ' 'no, i've seen her.
a. hardly
b. nearly
c. often
d. always
20.he told me that he in spain the previous year.
a. had been working
b. has been working
c. has worked
d. had been worked
21. she looks she's going to be sick.
a. as if
b. as
c. likes
d. if
22.the best way to learn a language is a little every day.
a. by speaking
b. in speaking
c. to speaking
d. speak
23.she me to go to school.
a. told
b. said
c. suggested
d. made
24.i want to be a teacher when i .
a. grow up
b. age
c. grow
d. am more years
25.i'm fed up this exercise.
a. with doing
b. to do
c. to doing
d. for doing
26.it my brother.
a. is ages that i saw
b. is ages since i didn’t see
c. was ages that i haven't seen
d. was ages since i saw
27.she has been of murdering her husband.
a. accused
b. changed
c. arrested
d. blamed
28.you aren't allowed to use your mobile so .
a. there's no point in leaving it on
b. point in leaving it on
c. there's no point in leaving it on
d. there's no point to leave it on
29.you the cleaning. i would have done it tonight.
a. needn't have done
b. couldn't have done
c. can't have done
d. wouldn't have done
30.they have put speed bumps on the road to accidents.
a. prevent
b. prohibit
c. avoid
d. forbid
31.the tree by lightning.
a. was struck
b. struck
c. was flashed
d. flashed
32.if only i richer.
a. where
b. am
c. would be
d. will be
the better team, we lost the match.
a. despite being
b. despite
c. despite of being
d. although
34.by this time next year, i all my exams.
a. will have taken
b. will take
c. take
d. have taken
35.excuse me, but does this umbrella belong you?
a. to
b. at
c. for
d. with
36.diana's parents don't let her go to late-night disco. she be at home at 9
o'clock in the evening.
a. must
b. may
c. can
d. have to
37.i listened to the radio every day to know the weather forecast but i can
never rely it
a. to
b. at
c. in
d. on
38.the children studied hard , and as result they passed the exams of
a. best
b. good
c. better
d. the best
39.this film i`ve ever seen
a. the most interesting
b. more interesting
c. most interesting
d. not interesting
old , sick, unemployed need our special care
a. the
b. –c
c. an
d. everybody
41.someone who saw robbery called the police
a. the
b. –c
c. a
d. those
42.according to this song we need is love
a. all
b. each
c. every
d. some
43.we wished the bride and groom happiness in new life together
a. their
b. there
c. these
d. theirs
44.i listened to the radio every day to know the weather forecast but i can
never rely it
a. on
b. at
c. in
d. to
45. all our students have dinner in their university’s .
a) canteen;
b) cloakroom;
c) library;
d) dean’s room;
46. students often read up for lessons in the .
a) library;
b) cloakroom;
c) dean’s room;
d) canteen;
47. on week-ends we like to go a walk with our friends.
a) for
b) on;
c) at
48. as rule we have little free time on my week-days.
a) a
b) an;
c) the
d) - ;
49. sometimes i have scrambled eggs breakfast.
a) for
b) on
c) at;
d) - ;
50. after i put on my coat, take my bag, and go to the university.
a) breakfast;
b) lunch;
c) dinner;
d) supper;

DelorenzyGang DelorenzyGang    3   23.12.2019 15:16    6

RuslAN3017 RuslAN3017  11.09.2020 16:57

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