1. I … you should quit your job and find a career that you enjoy.
a) think
b) has thought
c) have been thinking
d) am thinking
2. My friend has been writing to me for years already, but he never … a photo.
a) sends
b) has sent
с) is sending
d) has been sending
3. Every year, Shirley … German Shepherd dogs. I always go visit her when
she has a new litter of puppies.
a) breeds
b) has bred
c) is breeding
d) has been breeding
4. Your fingers are very brown. You … too much.
a) have been smoking
b) smoke
c) are smoking
d) have smoked
5. “Would you like to borrow this book?” “No, thanks. I … it before.”
a) have read
b) have been reading
c) am reading
d) read
6. Every time the family goes shopping, Trish … her son push the cart in the
grocery store.
a) has been letting
b) is letting
c) lets
d) has let
7. Sharon … to travel. She goes abroad almost every summer. Next year, she
plans to go to Peru.
a) loves
b) has been loving
c) is loving
d) has loved
8. “Have bought any new CDs recently?” “Yes. Actually I … two this week.”
a) have been buying
b) have bought
c) buy
d) am buying
9. A large car … more gasoline than a smaller one.
a) uses
b) is using
c) has used
d) has been using
10. Julie is very talented. She … several musical instruments well.
a) has played
b) is playing
c) plays
d) has been playing
11. Brian … Susie since he was 5 years old.
a) knows
b) has known
c) is knowing
d) has been knowing
12. Her phone … for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn’t answer it?
a) rings
b) has been ringing
c) has rang
d) is ringing
13. Television has many advantages. It keeps us informed about the latest news,
and also … entertainment at home.
a) has been providing
b) provides
c) is providing
d) has provided
14. What's the matter? You look upset. Last week I lost my scarf and now I …
just … my gloves.
a) have lost
b) am losing
c) have been losing
d) lose
15. On the other hand television … for the violent behavior of some young
people, and for encouraging children to sit indoors, instead of doing sports.
a) blames
b) has blamed
c) is blaming
d) has been blaming
16. The trial …. on for a long time. I wonder what the verdict will be.
a) has been going
b) goes
c) is going
d) has gone
17. Why haven't you brought me the letters for signature? … them yet?
a) Don't you type
b) Haven't you typed
c) Aren’t you typing
d) Haven't you been typing
18. Some millionaires have lots of money and … what to do with it.
a) don't know
b) aren’t knowing
c) haven’t known
d) haven’t been knowing
19. Most of the young people left this village a long time ago and nobody …
a) return
b) has returned
c) is returning
d) has been returning
20. Why are you busy packing? - My train … in two hours, so we'll leave the
house in an hour.
a) is leaving
b) has been leaving
c) has left
d) leaves

BlackDiamondIce BlackDiamondIce    3   06.09.2021 16:43    4

EvilQueen25 EvilQueen25  25.11.2021 05:36

Окей, попробую...

1. I *think* you should quit your job and find a career that you enjoy.

2. My friend has been writing to me for years already, but he never *sends* a photo.

3. Every year, Shirley *breeds* German Shepherd dogs. I always go visit her when

she has a new litter of puppies.

4. Your fingers are very brown. You *have been smoking* too much.

5. “Would you like to borrow this book?” “No, thanks. I *have read* it before.”

6. Every time the family goes shopping, Trish *lets* her son push the cart in the

grocery store.

7. Sharon *loves* to travel. She goes abroad almost every summer. Next year, she

plans to go to Peru.

8. “Have bought any new CDs recently?” “Yes. Actually I *have bought* two this week.”

9. A large car *uses* more gasoline than a smaller one.

10. Julie is very talented. She *plays* several musical instruments well.

11. Brian *has known* Susie since he was 5 years old.

12. Her phone *has been ringing* for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn’t answer it?

13. Television has many advantages. It keeps us informed about the latest news,

and also *provides* entertainment at home.

14. What's the matter? You look upset. Last week I lost my scarf and now I *have*

just *lost* my gloves.

15. Вот тут непонятно от слова совсем, ответы в любом случае не подойдут, поэтому возможно A) blames?

16. The trial *has been going* on for a long time. I wonder what the verdict will be.

17. Why haven't you brought me the letters for signature? *Haven't you typed* them yet?

18. Some millionaires have lots of money and *don't know* what to do with it.

19. Most of the young people left this village a long time ago and nobody *has returned*


20. Why are you busy packing? - My train *is leaving* in two hours, so we'll leave the

house in an hour.

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