1) i went to the library yesterday 2)they were in the theater the day before yesterday это 2 вопроса, к ним нужно составить отрицательные предложения. ( к каждому и по 4 вопроса с (к примеру "или" кто, что")) вот как то так ) 15

отличник703 отличник703    1   22.08.2019 15:40    2

Student12123 Student12123  05.10.2020 12:54
I didn't go to the library yesterday.
They weren't in the theater the day before yesterday.
Nysha1111 Nysha1111  05.10.2020 12:54
1) I didnt go to the library yesterday
Did I go to the library yesterday?
Where did I go yesterday?
When did I go to the library?
2) They werent in the theatre the day before yesterday
Who was in the theatre the day before yesterday?
Where they were the day before yesterday?
When were they in the theatre?
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