1. I've got... nice ideas! 2. Have you got ... friends? 3. There aren't ... lions in this Zoo. 4. The boys broke ... windows in the house, 5. ... weather is useful for your health. 6. Would you like ... Irish beer? 7. There is ... chocolate in the vase. I miss it so much! 8. You can choose ... hat you like. They are all beautiful! 9. Can I have ... water? 10. We had ... Swiss cheese at breakfast. It was delicious! 11. I've just baked ... cookies. Would you like ...? 12. - Are there ... changes in your life? - Yes, there are ... .13. He has a lot of money but he didn't give me ... . 14. - Do you speak ... foreign languages? - Yes, ... Spanish. 15. - We have ... candles in the house. - I can go and get ... .16. - There are ... mistakes in your test. - Mistakes? I can't find ... ! 17. There are not ... good dictionaries in our library. 18. John has ... furniture in his flat. Just ... chairs. 19. Could you give me ... tomatoes? I haven't got ... . 20. Fortunately there are ... pirates in the seas nowadays. 21. We shall find ... way out, I am sure. 22. Can the children have ... ice-cream?

миркинс миркинс    3   17.04.2020 11:47    134

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