1. I ... understand what the patient was saying because he was speaking Chinese.
cannot / couldn`t / was able to
2. The child ... walk when he was 1 year old.
can / could / was able to
3. I ... eat fast food since I had gastritis/
cannot / couldn`t / haven`t been able to
4. When I graduate from the Medical university I ... to work as a doctor.
could/ will be able to / was able to
5. I arrived at the laboratory just as it was closing , so I ... get my blood test.
can`t/ won`t be able/ couldn`t
6. Suzan has been sneezing all morning - I`ve heart. It ... be a cold.
might / can`t / may not
7. She`s wheezing and is in obvious respiratory distress - She ... have bronchitis.
is able to / might / should
8. ... I have a pen and some paper, please?
can / might / must
9. I`m free. What shall we do? - We ... go for a walk or stay at home and watch TV.
could / must / have to
10. When Ms Smith was young, she ... run fast.
can / could / may

slappy337 slappy337    3   01.04.2020 23:28    2

Raydi1337 Raydi1337  02.04.2020 04:30
1. Couldn’t
2. Can
3. Couldn’t
4. Was able to
5. Couldn’t
6. Might
7. Might
8. Might
9. Could
10. Can
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