1. i like my cofee and sugar 2.the meal . 3. you look fit! do you 4. there is in the bottle. you can`t draw any pictures. 5. don`t talk the lesson. 6. we know the material well ana ask the teacher . 7. there in the bowl, put some more, please. 8. i don`t like sweet tea, so i put in my tea. 9. they . -are you sure they are poor? 10. in our country we don`t .

mavlud111 mavlud111    1   15.07.2019 08:10    3

xayalaamirova2 xayalaamirova2  07.09.2020 12:17
Так тут же в первом   Мне нравится мой кофе с...молоком и сахаром
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