1. I.. learn the French language. b. don't c. isn't a. am not 2. The trains to London ... from platform 5 every hour. b. leaves c. are leaving a. leave 3. Leave me alone. I ... to concentrate. a. is trying b. try c. am trying 4. People in Italy... a lot of pasta. a. have eaten b. are eating C. eat 5. I. about this accident for many years. a. remember b. am remembering c. have remembered 6. I... what to do at the moment. a. am not knowing b. don't know 7. Brian ... a suit for work when he has to look smart. c. haven't know a. wears b. is wearing 8. I... for the letter from my friend from Britain. C. wear a. am waiting b. wait c. waits9. b. Are ... a. Do ... use using c. Is ... using 10. Terry ... a lot of problems at the moment. b. is having a. have c. has 11. Helen ... a new car yet. a. have bought b. buys mc. hasn't bought 12. I.. this sandwich. I'm not hungry. a. don't want b. am not wanting c. doesn't want 13. This country ... a lot now. a. changes b. is changing o C. change 14. Jack ... alone for many years because he divorced many years ago. a. is living b. has been living c. lives 15. Robert ... in a bar this summer. a. is working b. work c. works rying 16. Tom ... to bed already. He's very tired. a. goes antns b. has gone c. is going 17. ... she ... this kind of music? a. Is ... like c. Do ... like b. Does ... like 10. All football matches ... at 3 o'clock. a. start Ial c. starting S b. starts 19. ... you ... at this hotel now? a. Do ... stay c. Have ... stay b. Are... staying 20. ... she ... anything to eat at the moment? know c. Does ... want a. Is ... wanting b. Do ... want​

Alina243jhj Alina243jhj    3   05.01.2021 22:15    147

lolowkaujw lolowkaujw  04.02.2021 22:15

1. I.. learn the French language.

b. don't

2. The trains to London ... from platform 5 every hour.

a. leave

3. Leave me alone. I ... to concentrate. c. am trying

4. People in Italy... a lot of pasta.

C. eat

5. I. about this accident for many years. C)have remembered

6. I... what to do at the moment.

b. don't know

7. Brian ... a suit for work when he has to look smart.

a. wears

8. I... for the letter from my friend from Britain.

a. am waiting

9. Набор слов.напиши в комменте нормально, я сделаю

10. Terry ... a lot of problems at the moment.

c. has

11. Helen ... a new car yet.

c) hasn't bought

12. I.. this sandwich. I'm not hungry.

a. don't want

13. This country ... a lot now.

b. is changing

14. Jack ... alone for many years because he divorced many years ago. b. has been living

15. Robert ... in a bar this summer.

a. is working

16. Tom ... to bed already. He's very tired.

b. has gone

17. ... she ... this kind of music?

b. Does ... like

18. All football matches ... at 3 o'clock. a. start

19. ... you ... at this hotel now?

b. Are... staying

20. ... she ... anything to eat at the moment?

c. Does ... want

HelenStarovir HelenStarovir  04.02.2021 22:15

1. b

2. а

3. c

4. c

5. c

6. b

7. a

8. a

9. нет вопроса

10. c

11. c

12. a

13. b

14. b

15. a

16. b

17. b

18. a

19. b

20. c

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