1. I have seen the film. .
a) I am too b) So am I c) Neither have I d) So have I
2. I am not tired. .
a) So am I b) Neither do I c) Neither am I d) Neither I am
3. I"ve been living in London for ten years. .
a) So does he b) So is he c) Neither has he d) So has he
4. I wasn"t at the theatre yesterday. .
a) Neither was I b) Neither am I c) Neither did I d) So was I
5. I can"t swim long distances. .
a) So can"t I b) So can I c) Neither can I d) Neither can"t I
6. Petrov wasn"t late for the performance. .
a) So was I b) Neither am I c) Neither was my friend d) So did my friend
7. I"ve never seen her dance. .
a) So am I b) Neither did my son c) So have I d) Neither has my son
8. My sister found the book interesting. .
a) Neither did I b) So does my friend c) So did I d) So do I
9. I didn"t enjoy the film very much. .
a) Neither do I b) Neither did my friends c) So did I d) Neither didn"t I
10. I got an important letter today. .
a) So got I b) So am I c) So did he d) So have I

sonyachibineva sonyachibineva    3   20.04.2020 07:26    9

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