1.i have no intention of… (to stay) here any longer. 2. she insisted on… (to help) me. 3. are you fond of…(to play) chess? 4. he has very much experience in … (to teach). 5. there’s no possibility find) his address. 6. there’s little chance of …(to see) her today. 7. we have the pleasure of …(to send) you our catalogues. 8. i think of …(to go ) to the south in summer. 9. he is afraid of…( to catch) cold. 10. i’m proud of…(to have) such a son. 11. the rain prevented me from …(to come). 12. they had much difficulty in…(to find) a house.13. he is engaged in write) a book сделать герундий. заранее .

dranithkindana dranithkindana    3   01.04.2019 15:10    2

dddddkkke dddddkkke  28.05.2020 06:16
1) staying,
2) helping,
3) playing,
4) teaching,
5) finding,
6) seeing,
7) sending,
8) going,
9) catching,
10) having,
11) coming,
12) finding,
13) writing
НЕВЕСОМАЯ67 НЕВЕСОМАЯ67  28.05.2020 06:16
1.I have no intention of staying here any longer. 2. She insisted on helping me. 3. Are you fond of playing chess? 4. He has very much experience in teaching . 5. There’s no possibility of finding his address. 6. There’s little chance of seeing her today. 7. We have the pleasure of sending you our catalogues. 8. I think of going to the south in summer. 9. He is afraid of catching cold. 10. I’m proud of having such a son. 11. The rain prevented me from coming . 12. They had much difficulty in finding a house.13. He is engaged in writing a book
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