1. i got to the bus stop, the bus had already left. a after b until c by the time d while 2. the fire alarm for 10 minutes now. a was ringing b had been ringing c had rang d has been ringing 3. “what are you doing tonight? ” “i tv with my friends.” a watch b was watching c watched d am watching 4. the emergency services by the time we got there. a had been arriving b had arrived c arrived d were arriving 5. “have you called the police ” “yes, i called them straight away.” a yet b already c still d since 6. i for two hours before i twisted my ankle. a climbed b had been climbing c had climbed d was climbing

MILKovka MILKovka    3   15.07.2019 22:30    1

mrazamar0kk mrazamar0kk  19.08.2020 11:28
1.By the time
2.Has been ringing
3.Am watching
4.Had arrived
6.Had been climbing
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