1.I can't meet you on Sunday. I ... (go; 'm going) to the cinema with Katy. 2.Stop that child! She ... (is falling off; is going to fall off) the wall!
3.I don't like this subject, so I ... (am getting; will get) bored during the lesson tomorrow.
4.I think you ... (will find; are finding) the next week Maths exam easy.
5.You'll be ready in five minutes? OK, I ... (will wait; am waiting) for you outside.
6.He's a sensible person. I'm sure he ... (will plan; plans) his studies for the next month.
7. Sally's overconfident and doesn't study much. She ... (doesn't pass; won't pass) the exam.
8.I'm curious to find out what ... (is going to happen; is happening) in the next episode of the show.

Lqoki11 Lqoki11    3   05.11.2021 11:00    0

ale2005171112 ale2005171112  05.11.2021 11:10

1. I'm going to the cinema with Katy

2. She is falling off the wall

3. I will get bored during the lesson tomorrow

4. I think you will find the next week Maths exam easy.

5. I'm waiting for you outside

6. He will plan his studies for the next mounth

7. She won't pass the exam

8. what is going to happen

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