1) I ………...anything by that author until you ………… me this book.
hadn't read/lent
wasn't reading/have lent
haven't read/will be lending
don't read/will lend
didn't read/were lending
2) American satirist Ambrose Bierce …………. more and more dissatisfied with American society when he ………….. The United States for Mexico in 1913.
was growing/would leave
had grown/has left
had been growing/left
grew/had left
3) Although many people still mistakenly ………… that Stonehenge was built by Celtic peoples, in actual fact the Celts ………. in Britain until a thousand or so years after its construction.
have believed/haven't arrived
believed/weren't arriving
believed/haven't arrived
believe/won't have arrived
believe/didn't arrive
4) Since the police …………..him three years ago on suspicion of the killing of two police officers, he ………….. in prison.
has arrested/was
had arrested/will be
were arresting/had been
arrested/has been
had arrested/is
5) At the moment, my nephew………………. back in his hometown with his parents, but last year at this time he………………. with me in my apartment in Chicago.
is living/had stayed
is going to live/stayed
lives/had been staying
is living/was staying
6) Although the woman ……………. an overdose of sleeping pills, so far no one …………... her death to be suicide.
is taking/proves
has taken/proved
will have taken/is proving
takes/will have proved
took/has proved
7) Before I …………….the chance to explain my reasons for saying such terrible things, she ……………...out.
have found/walked
was finding/was walking
found/had walked
will find/walks
had found/has walked
8) In 1877, the last few samurai ………………..the Satsuma Rebellion in an attempt to overthrow Japan's newly modernized and westernized government.
have staged
had staged
have been staging
had been staging
9) Even though the samurai ………………. as a class from Japan by the early 20th century, samurai ideals ……………. many aspects of Japanese society even today.
were disappearing/influenced
would disappear/have influenced
had disappeared/influence
disappeared/will influence
have disappeared/are influencing
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